Monday, November 29, 2010

New image

Buat sapa2 kat luar sana yg rajin sesangat nak berkenalan dgn aku . tolong le komen..yek.
Esok nak g bli camera baru. Sangat sengal aku rosak.sgt lama .asik2 pakai gmbr hp jer.
so mulai sekarang tunggu la gmbar2 kebun cili aku. n gmbar lauk2 yg aku msk. Skrg x berapa nak rajin. Sbb cik hubby ckp perutnya dah gendut...So sapa salah??? Aku jugak ker??? X masak dia marah. Dah msk best2 dia ckp dia dah gemuk...pening aku d buatnya...adeh..Tolonnggg...

i am back

Saja kembali selepas sekian lama menghilang.Hampir lupa camner nak update blog nie. Sometimes i feel this is d only way to make me sane. Wish that i had friends who can be beside me whenever im sad n happy. But they have their own life....

Monday, May 3, 2010

smiles that never reveal d insine of me

Look at my fake smiles. this was taken when i had a gathering with my friends. happy at that time but at last i was bombarded with the hubby telling that i was bad n untrustful meeting with man behind his back. What if he was there all was there but i just talk with my school mates but he was so jelous. How bad was I??? I was so depressed

My Sad Day

Today i got flu. actually since yesterday. But my hubby asked me to work...coz he had to send me to clinic if i don't. Why...............? im sick...although i felt quite ok now. Why should I??
I had to wait untill 4-5 pm in d school . he hadn't call nor give msg. Who am i?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Dalam hidup ini setiap perkara yg telah berlalu akan menjadi memori.kadang2 memori yg pahit itu menjadi teladan pada hari mendatang.